
Rocket golf cart
Rocket golf cart

rocket golf cart


Whether private parties will be able to on a full back nine remains to be seen, but Turbo Golf Racing's life cycle is currently in its infancy. Those who fall just short of victory on one hole can take heart in knowing sessions last a full three holes. The end result is a chaotic race to the finish, where you'll often times throw your arms in the air over two balls going into the hole separated by mere tenths of a second. Each player can also equip passive abilities, which can either affect the way their car handles or affect some of the ball's properties. The challenge comes in learning each course, understanding the game's physics, making sure the ball ins't knocked out of bounds, and handling various obstacles like fans, sand traps, and rough terrain. Power-ups like missiles can help knock opponents off-course, but outside of that, players are mostly left to their own devices. That's not to say there aren't ways to disrupt the competition. The other seven players are ghosts, so there's no need to worry about accidentally hitting another car or getting your ball knocked away. Up to eight players participate simultaneously.

rocket golf cart

However, it doesn't take long to see that Turbo Golf Racing is totally carried by its online multiplayer. The solo component really isn't helped by the fact that players need to earn stars by setting fast times in order to unlock later stages, as well as certain passive abilities. Grasping the controls, as well as the physics, can be a challenge to the point that putting up a disappointing time compared to the game's designated target times can feel discouraging. Instead, players are trying to set the best times. There are no strokes, so there's no need to worry about trying to complete each hole in however many hits. Players control a high-powered vehicle and must navigate a giant ball across a massive golf course and sink it into a hole. My first impression of Turbo Golf Racing came from the game's single-player component. With a full party, this game becomes a fast-placed blast. It's an idea that sounds almost ridiculous on paper, but after playing several rounds, it's one that works shockingly well. It's the mixture of powered-up motor cars with golf. Turbo Golf Racing is exactly what it sounds like. Perhaps motorized vehicles and football? How about cars and basketball? Developer Hugecalf Studios, working with publisher Secret Mode, believes it has the answer with Turbo Golf Racing. Naturally, that has led to the question of what similar sort of hybrid could work. It's been almost a decade since Psyonix popularized the mixture of motorized vehicles and soccer.

Rocket golf cart